Dear LPC members,
Was I ever surprised when I arrived at the Mulligan’s Hollow courts on Saturday morning for the Annual LPC Members Meeting! At first glance, I was glad to see that so many members were there for the meeting. Then, I saw all of the delicious food and treats on the table and thought, “how nice that “someone” brought treats for the meeting”. I finally saw the sign on the wall and it started to sink in that this had been done for me! What a surprising and emotional moment!
I am so appreciative and grateful for everyone who was there, or had something to do with planning this surprise. It was great to see so many pickleball friends; old and new. Lakeshore Pickleball Club has brought so much fun activity to my life, but the best part by far, are all of the friends I have made. Thank you for being such a great group, and for making LPC a friendly, fun and welcoming club.
The rain shower cut our morning short, and I’m sorry we didn’t have much time to socialize. We were able to have the meeting on the “state of our club”. Below is a report of the meeting:
2023 Annual LPC Members Meeting
Sat., July 22, 2023 9am at Mulligan’s Hollow
Board Members present: President: Carrie Rodgers; Board Members At Large: John Gabalis and Angelo Marasco
Absent: Vice President: Don Anderson, Treasurer: Vern Condon; Secretary: Marcia Geissinger; Board Member At Large: Frank Hughes
Meeting was called to order at 9:05am at Mulligan’s Hollow welcoming all members.
Introduction of Board: Carrie introduced the current board members and thanked outgoing board members, Don Anderson, Vern Condon and Frank Hughes for each serving two year terms as LPC Board members. Their service to our club is much appreciated.
Board members for 2023/24: President: Carrie Rodgers; Vice President: John Gabalis; Treasurer: Shelly Finkhouse, Secretary: Marcia Geissinger; Board Members At Large: Angelo Marasco, Kristen Kosidowski, and Chip Gilbertson. I’m looking forward to a great year of working together with the new board, and thank them for volunteering to serve as board members.
Treasurer’s Report:
Current Account Balances as of June 30, 2023:
Checking Account: $6,856.65
Savings: $60
Money Market: $9,043.19
Membership: 415 members
President’s Report:
Current events:
2023 US Coast Guard Festival Tournament has 50 teams entered. The tournament takes place on Wed., Aug 2. It starts at 8am and will finish in the early afternoon. Participants will receive an information letter the week before the tournament.
Ladder Leagues: August ladders will start the week of Aug. 7. The sign-up letter will be sent to members the week of July 24.
Intro to Pickleball classes have been held every Tuesday 6-7:30pm at Mulligan’s Hollow since mid-May, and will continue through August, with the exception of Aug. 1 (Coast Guard week). Thank you to Marcia Geissinger and Shirley Staehlin for being in charge of these classes, and to all of our members who have volunteered to help with this.
Future events:
- August Fun Friday/Pickleball and American Legion Aug. 11.
- 2023 Club Classic Members Tournament Sat. and Sun., Sept. 16 and 17. Registration information will be sent to members the week of Aug. 7
- NORA Rec after-school classes will begin mid-September.
Mulligan’s Hollow: Windscreens will be installed on the east and south pickleball court fences in the next few weeks.
Schmidt Heritage Park: A proposal was submitted to Grand Haven Township for LPC to purchase umbrellas for the tables located by each court entry gate.
When can we register for the September Club Classic Members Tournament?
An email will be sent to our members the week of Aug 7 with information about registration.
Other Business:
Angelo passed out cards from Pickleball Central and explained that LPC members can get a discount at by using the code on the card. Our club also earns cash back depending on how many orders are made by our members.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 and delicious refreshments were enjoyed by all until the rain came!
Carrie Rodgers