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Contact us.

Have a question or thoughts on how we can make our club better than it already is?  We would love to hear from you. We are a very diverse club whose members play in many different venues which makes it extremely challenging to meet everyone’s needs. Please help us with your constructive thoughts and ideas.​

Your input will be presented and reviewed at the next LPC Board meeting.

Interested in volunteering or serving on a committee? Please indicate how you would like to help and we will contact you. Thank you!

Committee Chairs:

Social: Randy Dicks

Technology: Julie Franczek & Sam Ventocilla

City/Township Liaison: John Gabalis

Tournaments: Chip Gilbertson

Adult & Youth Instruction: Sam Ventocilla

Court Maintenance: Angelo Marasco

Board of Directors, 2024-2025

John Gabalis, President
Chip Gilbertson, Vice President
Shelly Finkhouse, Treasurer
Debra Smith-Anderson, Secretary

Angelo Marasco, member at large
Sam Ventocilla, member at large
Randy Dicks, member at large