Contact us.
Have a question or thoughts on how we can make our club better than it already is? We would love to hear from you. We are a very diverse club whose members play in many different venues which makes it extremely challenging to meet everyone’s needs. Please help us with your constructive thoughts and ideas.
Your input will be presented and reviewed at the next LPC Board meeting.
Interested in volunteering or serving on a committee? Please indicate how you would like to help and we will contact you. Thank you!
Committee Chairs:
Social: Randy Dicks
Technology: Julie Franczek & Sam Ventocilla
City/Township Liaison: John Gabalis
Tournaments: Chip Gilbertson
Adult & Youth Instruction: Sam Ventocilla
Court Maintenance: Angelo Marasco
Board of Directors, 2024-2025
John Gabalis, President
Chip Gilbertson, Vice President
Shelly Finkhouse, Treasurer
Debra Smith-Anderson, Secretary
Angelo Marasco, member at large
Sam Ventocilla, member at large
Randy Dicks, member at large