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Club News

Club News
October 3, 2023

RSVP for Pickleball Potluck

Pickleball Potluck Update October 15, 2023 1:00-5:00 PM at Schmidt Heritage Park We are looking forward to seeing all of our LPC members on Sunday, October 15th for our Pickleball Potluck! Pickleball starts at 1:00, and food will be served at 3:00. LPC will be grilling hot dogs and providing plates, and silverware, etc., for the event. We are asking everyone…
Club News
September 28, 2023

Pickleball and Potluck Party, October 15

Let’s have a Pickleball and Potluck Party! October 15, 2023 1:00 -5:00 pm at Schmidt Heritage Park   Greetings LPC members! You are invited to an end-of-season potluck gathering at Schmidt Heritage Park (SHP), to honor the end of a terrific summer of great weather and pickleball. Let’s also celebrate an early Halloween during this afternoon of friends, family, food,…
Club News
September 27, 2023

Club News, September 27, 2023

Dear LPC members, Just a reminder that this Friday is the last "Fun Friday Pickleball and Burgers" of 2023. Everyone is invited to meet at Mulligan's Hollow for drop-in pickleball at 5:00 on Friday, and then walk to the American Legion for burgers and beverages. Be sure to get to the legion by 6:30 before they run out of burgers!…
Club News
September 20, 2023

Club News, September 20, 2023

Dear LPC members, Mulligan’s Hollow: It was a great week-end of exciting competition during our 2023 Club Classic Members Tournament. Thank you to the 100+ players for entering the tournament and playing with such enthusiasm and good sportsmanship, and for everyone’s patience on Sunday as we waited out the rain. Thank you to the tournament committee, Bob Helder, Mike Zolik,…
Club NewsTournaments
September 15, 2023

LPC Member Tournament

Just a reminder that the LPC Member Tournament is going on this weekend at Mulligan's Hollow.  The Women's Doubles brackets start at 9:00 Saturday and the Men's Doubles will start at about 10:45.  On Sunday, the Mixed Doubles will start at 9:00 for the lower levels and 10:45 for the higher level players.  Please come out and support your fellow…
Club News
September 5, 2023

Club News, September 5, 2023

Schmidt Heritage Park: NORA (Northwest Ottawa Recreation Authority) is offering evening ladder leagues this month at Schmidt Heritage Park in Grand Haven Township. There has been a great response for the Beginner and Intermediate ladders, but the Advanced ladder needs more players in order to start league play next week! Go to NORA to see the schedule and register. Tell…
Club News
September 5, 2023

Umbrellas at Schmidt Heritage Park

Dear LPC members, Lakeshore Pickleball Club has purchased six umbrellas for the tables located by the court entrance gates at Schmidt Heritage Park.  These umbrellas will be stored in the storage box (also purchased by LPC) that is located by court 10.  The combination for the lock on the storage box is 1001, and those numbers need to be lined…
Club News
August 29, 2023

Thank You New Player Night Volunteers

A big thank you to all of the volunteers who helped out with this summer's "Intro to Pickleball" sessions held on Tuesday nights at Mulligan's Hollow.  These loyal LPC volunteers came every week, May through August, to help new pickleball friends learn how to play the game we love. Pictured: Pamela Beverly, Rick Dill, Kevin Meagher, Karrol McKay, Bonnie Seskevics,…
Club News
August 28, 2023

NORA Youth Pickleball Program

Hi LPC members! My name is Kristen Kosidowski and I am happy to be serving as the Youth Instruction Chair for Lakeshore Pickleball Club. The Northwest Ottawa Recreation Authority (NORA) has once again asked for help from the LPC to introduce pickleball to students through their after-school programs. This is a great opportunity to share our love for pickleball and…
Club News
August 21, 2023

Club News, August 20, 2023

Dear LPC members, August 20, 2023 Lakeshore Pickleball Club Classic Members Tournament September 16 & 17. If you have already registered and paid the entry fee for the tournament, please check with your partner(s) to make sure that they have registered and paid their entry fee. As August comes to an end, so do our Ladder Leagues and Intro to…