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Club News

NORA Youth Pickleball Program

By August 28, 2023No Comments

Hi LPC members!

My name is Kristen Kosidowski and I am happy to be serving as the Youth Instruction Chair for Lakeshore Pickleball Club. The Northwest Ottawa Recreation Authority (NORA) has once again asked for help from the LPC to introduce pickleball to students through their after-school programs. This is a great opportunity to share our love for pickleball and build community and confidence in our younger players.

These programs run for 4 weeks and are all at Mulligan’s Hollow Pickleball Courts.

We are looking for volunteers to support the following:

7th -12th Grade Tuesdays AND Thursdays 9/19/23-10/12/23 3:15- 4:15pm

GOAL: To have the students participate in round-robin competition.
Volunteers Needed: 1 Leader, 2 Assistants, 1 Floater/backup

5th and 6th grade: Thursdays 9/21/23-10/12/23 4:30-5:30pm

GOAL: For students to become familiar with the rules and be able to play in a game situation.
Volunteers Needed: 1 Leader, 2 Assistants, 1 Floater/backup

2nd -4th Grade Tuesdays 9/19/23-10/02/23 18 4:30- 5:30

GOAL: Introduction to pickleball and activities that will develop skills necessary to play pickleball in a game situation.
Volunteers Needed: 2 Assistants, 1 Floater/backup

Please let me know if you are able to help with these classes to lead or assist. If you have any questions or want to sign up please email me at, or call or text at 616.402.3967. If your schedule doesn’t allow you to commit to every week, but you would still like to help, please let me know and we will make it work!

Thank you so much!
Kristen Kosidowski