Thursday nights at the Conference Grounds are done for this season. Thanks to everyone who played there on Thursday nights!
The morning (9-11am) and afternoon (noon-2pm) schedule at CRCG will continue through the end of April.
The CRCG gym will be open for pickleball for the next two Saturdays, April 6 and 13. 9-11am and noon-2pm. All levels. $5 Please sign in and pay when entering the gym.
White Pines Intermediate School:
This is the last week for Tuesday evening and Sunday afternoon pickleball at WPIS. Thanks to everyone who played, and to NORA who provided this great venue for the fall, winter and early spring.
Mulligan’s Hollow:
The nets are up at Mulligan’s Hollow, and the Port-o-Potty has been delivered!
Enjoy Open Play (first come, first served), and bring your own pickleballs through the month of April.
The drop-in schedule (share the courts and use the sign up board) will start May 1st 8am-noon, and 5:00-dark Monday thru Saturday morning. Pickleballs will be available to use.
May Ladder Leagues at Mulligan’s Hollow:
The Friday night 3.75 ladder is full, but there are still a few spots available in the May Ladder League for the following nights:
● Monday’s 6:00 pm level 3.0 (self-rated) starts May 6 and ends May 27
● Wednesday’s 6:00 pm level 3.5 (self-rated) starts May 1 and ends May 29
● Thursday’s 6:00 pm Level 4+ (verified rating) starts May 2 and ends May 30
Contact Chip Gilbertson to sign up for the May Ladder League!