- Thursday nights at the Conference Grounds are done for this season. Thanks to everyone who played there on Thursday nights!
The morning (9-11am) and afternoon (noon-2pm) schedule will continue through the end of April.
The CRCG gym will be open for pickleball for the next two Saturdays, April 8 and 15. 9-11am and noon-2pm. All levels. $5 Please sign in and pay when entering the gym.
White Pines Intermediate School:
Tuesday evenings and Sunday afternoon pickleball has ended for this season at WPIS. Thanks to everyone who played, and to NORA who provided this great venue for the fall, winter and early spring.
Mulligan’s Hollow:
Grand Haven City Dept. of Public Works did a great job of putting up the nets at MH, and clearing the leaves and debris off the courts and from around the tables and benches.
Enjoy Open Play (first come, first served), and bring your own pickleballs through the month of April.
The drop-in schedule (share the courts and use the sign up board) will start May 1, 8am-noon, and 5:00-dark. Pickleballs will be available to use.
The Port-o-potty will be delivered to MH on April 17!
Ladder Leagues will start the week of May 15. Info and sign-up information will be sent to members the first week of May.
Spring Lake Central Park:
The nets are up!
Schmidt Heritage Park:
The 12 new pickleball courts at SHP are being worked on and will be ready for play by the end of June after the park dedication ceremony. More information about the exact date will be available closer to that time.
Tri-Cities YMCA:
The Y is offering an Intro to Pickleball clinic on Wednesday, April 26 from 1:15-3:00. Register by calling the front desk 616-842-70541. Free for Y members, and $5 for non-members.