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Club News, October 6, 2023

By October 6, 2023No Comments

Dear LPC members,

CRCG: The Christian Reformed Conference Grounds gym will be open for pickleball starting Monday, Oct 9. Drop-in play will be Monday thru Friday 9-11am and noon-2pm. All levels. Be sure to sign in and pay $5 when entering the gym.

Mulligan’s Hollow: The nets at Mulligan’s Hollow will stay up through the end of October, and possibly longer, depending on the weather. The port o potty will be picked up at the end of the month.

Schmidt Heritage Park: Grand Haven Township will be closing the bathrooms at SHP and nets will be taken down at the end of this month.

White Pines Intermediate School: NORA Rec is offering an indoor Ladder League at White Pines Intermediate School this fall. Check out their website for more details.

Don’t forget:

If you are planning to come to the LPC Pickleball Potluck at SHP on Sunday, Oct 15 from 1-5:00 pm, be sure to RSVP to Chip  Wed., Oct 11, so we know how many people to expect. Hotdogs and tableware will be provided. Please bring a dish to pass and your own beverage (non-alcoholic). Friends and family are welcome! For those who wish to celebrate Halloween a little early, prizes will be awarded to the best costume(s) on and off the courts! Hope to see you there!

Check out the selection of LPC gear available to order online. You can view the products on our website’s Home Page, or SHOP HERE.
The online store will be open for orders through October 15.