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Mulligan’s Hollow Drop-In Play Guidelines

Drop-in play at Mulligan’s Hollow is open to players of all skill levels. To keep it enjoyable for everyone, please follow the simple guidelines below.

Drop-In Play: During scheduled drop-in times everyone uses the Rotation Board and shares all the courts. Players go on the court as a foursome and play one game, then come off and sign up again on the Board.

Open Play: The courts are available on a first come, first served basis. Players do not have to share their court.

Drop-In Play Rotation Board

  • Rotation Board: Sign up in the first available box, even if there are empty Drop-In Play courts.
  • Group Sign-ups: You can sign up as a group (3-4 players), partners (2 players), or a single. If you’re playing with a group of four, write all names in the next available box. No GROUP of four players can jump ahead of an incomplete box.
  • Exiting the Court: After a game, all four players must exit the court, and four new players from the Board will take their place. When players go to a court, mark an “X” over their names.
  • Rotation: Groups are requested to rotate in waiting players in as needed to keep games moving.

Gameplay Etiquette

  • Introductions: If not familiar with the other players, introduce yourself before the game starts.
  • Ready to Serve: Ensure the receiver is ready before serving.
  • Line Calls: Call lines for your side only. Respect your opponent’s calls.
  • Call “Out”: Call “out” loudly when a ball goes out, and use a hand signal (hand pointing up).
  • Uncertain Calls: Presume the ball to have been IN if you or your partner did not see the ball bounce out on your side of the court.
  • Foot Faults: If you or your partner land in the kitchen on a volley, call it on yourselves. Let your opponents call their own foot faults.

Player Courtesy

  • Be Considerate: Try to minimize slamming the ball at weaker or less experienced players.
  • Hit to Stronger Players: Hitting to stronger players will improve your game and keep things challenging for everyone.

General Reminders

  • Keep the pace moving and respect all players.
  • Most importantly, have fun!